How can firms leverage digital accounting tools to enhance client experience?

The influence of technology and current market pressures are growing within the accounting industry, meaning firms need to explore the possibilities of digitization to remain competitive and meet the ever-increasing needs of clients.
In some respects, attitudes to tech are already evolving. According to Thomson Reuters’ ‘2023 State of the Tax Professionals Report’, 52% of accounting firms plan to offer tax technology training to all employees, showing a willingness from industry leaders to embrace what technology has to offer.
However, there is still work to be done if the sector is to take full advantage of the innovative resources available and future technologies yet to emerge.
Courtney Kunzig, Industry Solutions Manager, Accounting, M-Files, is featured in this piece for FinancialIT and discusses how accounting firms can leverage digital accounting tools and procedures to enhance their client experience.
For the full article, please head to Financial IT’s website here.