We Help Knowledge Workers to Work Smarter

Revolutionize the way knowledge workers automate their processes, from document creation and management to workflow automation, external collaboration, enterprise search, security, compliance, and audit trail. Unlock the value of knowledge work with automation and AI.

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4.3 Star Rating
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4.5 Star Rating
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4.4 Star Rating

Our Reviews Speak for Themselves

96% of respondents on Gartner Peer Insights would be willing to recommend M-Files and we hold an impressive overall rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars*.

*Based on 150 reviews over the past 12 months for the Content Services Platforms market, as of November 6th, 2024.

M-Files Customers See


increase in productivity


return on investment


better document searches

Eliminate Information Chaos

Organize documents so they can be easily found and used in the proper business context.

Improve Process Efficiency & Accuracy

Automate document-centric workflows across creation, collaboration, and approval.

Reduce Business Risk

Automate document access rules, securely share and collaborate externally, and produce a comprehensive audit trail.


Industry-Tailored Solutions


Accounting, Tax & Audit

Improve billable utilization and give your firm a competitive edge through process automation and information control.


Automate business processes, reduce searching time and improve your consulting clients' experiences.

Wealth Management

Get more leverage from your firm's intellectual capital by automating processes and improving clients' experiences.

Contract Research Organizations

Improve productivity for contract research organizations with better document management and fortified security.


Reduce lead times and facilitate compliance through metadata-driven document management across your supply chain.

Energy & Utilities

Boost efficiency and tighten controls by automatic critical documentation and publishing of SOPs and CAPA.


Deliver more projects on time and budget with complete visibility and automated processing of up-to-date documents.

Insurance Brokers

Streamline client management and policy administration with automated workflows, ensuring compliance and enhancing client satisfaction.


M-Files Platform Integrations

See How M-Files Can Transform Your Business

Latest Articles

The Smarter Way To Work With M-Files


What is Knowledge Work Automation?

Is your company like others where 50% or more of knowledge workers' time is spent on manual tasks that could be automated? If so, this eBook is for you!

This eBook will provide insight on how you should automate work associated with document creation, document management software, workflow management, and collaboration so that your knowledge workers are happier and your organization reaps the benefits of increased productivity, reduced risk, and the elimination of information chaos.