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5 ways M-Files Ment is different


Document automation is a competitive market with plenty of options on offer. So, you may be wondering what differentiates M-Files Ment from the crowd?

Ease of use

With 100% visual design, it’s easy for users to go through questionnaires and understand the impact of their inputs on the document being generated. You have full trust in the output because you can see how information has been added or conditionality triggered.
Other tools tend to require submission of the questionnaire before you can see the generated document which means: 1. You don’t tend to see the impact of your actions during the questionnaire. 2. Such a process doesn’t allow you to quickly see a side-by-side look at your inputs vs. the generated output.

No-code automation

At M-Files Ment, we pride ourselves on the fact that lawyers are able to pick up and run rapidly with the product—with as little as 15 minutes training. With a no-code interface, you’re able to automate documents in minutes—making it easy to maintain and scalable.
Scalability is important as your organization will probably want to roll this out across departments or teams to maximize the benefits of automation. If it’s difficult to scale, then the overall value will take longer to realize and may lead to difficulties with change management. M-Files Ment is easy to scale and we can manage a pilot to launch your first templates into use within four weeks.

Client-facing functionality

One of M-Files Ment’s more unique and useful features relates to its client-facing functionality, which includes widgets and streamlined data collection.

Widgets provide access to a template and can be placed on a website or intranet for easier access. There are so many innovative ways of using this functionality e.g. it can even be used to allow clients to subscribe to templates (NDAs, DPAs, etc.) on a subscription basis.
You can also easily collect data from clients by sending just the questions you want them to answer. Once they’ve submitted the answers to those questions, the template questionnaire you’re working on will pre-populate and you would just need to finish it off to generate the document—a slick process with no double keying of data.

Pricing Model

We want your implementation of M-Files Ment to be successful and we want your business to realize value from M-Files Ment in the quickest time possible. With that in mind, our plans now include unlimited standard users. If you need to experiment and innovate with those less accepting of change, you can—without being worried that you’ll need to pay for licenses.

The limitations dictating pricing focus on the number of author users—the people who create the templates, as well as the number of templates and widgets. However, even the most basic plan gives you enough of each to gain a solid return on investment. If you don’t want to be limited at all then there is a fully unlimited plan where you can automate as many templates as you like with as many users as you like, providing access to as many people as you like through widgets, internally or externally.

Our customers also tend to use our tool to build and sell subscriptions. So, M-Files Ment is document automation that saves you money but can also assist in making you money.

Clause Library

If you’re always re-inventing the wheel, creating the same variations of clauses over and over again, then you’ll love our clause library functionality. This allows you to store your clauses so you can reuse them later easily. Easily generate documents with the wording you need to close the deal more rapidly.

Discover more

See M-⁠Files M-Files Ment in action. Contact us today to learn about the different platform capabilities and how they can benefit you.

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