The Importance of Document Automation

When you envision “automation,” what comes to mind? For many people, it’s images of large automotive assembly lines. Deploying robotic arms and other modern marvels, these manufacturing facilities are monuments to the power of automation. However, the real automation revolution today happens outside the manufacturing floor. In offices around the world, automation software is transforming…

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Consultants Enrich Client Experiences with AI and Automation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the business landscape and transforming customer experiences and management consulting practices. AI automation drives innovation, making companies more customer-centric by fostering seamless, efficient, personalized interactions. Work automation and predictive analytics are becoming pivotal in increasing productivity and streamlining workflows. Work automation is now a universal trend as companies deploy advanced…

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Talent Acquisition and Retention: A Knowledge Work Automation Future

A shift is underway in talent acquisition and retention. Knowledge work automation is shaping the future of talent management and changing how businesses operate. Knowledge workers across multiple industries grapple with the challenges of ensuring security and compliance while operating efficiently. Fast-paced environments require standardized processes and technologies to reach their business goals. The Age…

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AI, Information Management, and the Future of Collaboration

Joel and Ethan Coen. Elton John and Bernie Taupin. Doritos and Taco Bell. Collaborations lead to groundbreaking, creative work. But the next game-changing collaboration will be between knowledge workers and robots—specifically, AI chatbots. The future of collaboration is closely bound to the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and information management. According to a report by…

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Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge-based Work in the Legal Field

The legal profession faces a potentially game-changing challenge—staying current with new technology. Bloomberg Law found that more lawyers are now unfamiliar with legal technology compared to previous years. In 2022, 55% of law firms reported that knowledge gaps held back their use of legal technology—up from 40% in 2020. Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI)…

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Knowledge Work Automation: Reshaping the Future of Work

Knowledge work automation is emerging as a transformative force in the workplace, reshaping the way professionals engage with work tasks and boosting overall productivity. This revolutionary approach seeks to free knowledge workers from time-consuming, administrative activities, allowing them to focus on core tasks that drive improved productivity. The Current State of Knowledge Work Knowledge work…

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Document Management Integrates Text and Email with Ease

The workplace landscape has changed. Working smarter is essential to work-life balance. Efficient processes and procedures must meet the needs of knowledge workers since they prefer to use their time on revenue-generating strategies. With this goal in mind, implementing automated workflows and document management systems is integral. Document management not only pertains to maintaining a…

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Will Artificial Intelligence Eliminate Knowledge Work?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly advancing and significantly changing many industries such as energy, oil and gas and manufacturing. Industry professionals have estimated that AI will impact approximately 300 million jobs worldwide. The digital transformation of the workforce offers many benefits, but it leaves open a disruptive question: Will AI replace knowledge work? AI can…

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A Primer for Knowledge Work Automation

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) applications like ChatGPT are dominating the news, and knowledge workers—professionals who use information, creativity, and critical thinking skills—are paying close attention. Knowledge work categories include creatives (writers and artists), intellectuals (professors and economists), and experts (architects and computer engineers). Anyone interested in generative AI can try to predict the impact of…

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