Installing M-Files Web Companion

M-Files Web Companion is an application that lets M-Files Web users edit documents in desktop applications. M-Files Web Companion is supported in Microsoft Windows and macOS.

If you have already installed the application, see Using M-Files Web Companion or First-Time Use. For update instructions, see Updating M-Files Web Companion.

Admin aid

For instructions on how to install M-Files Web Companion to many computers at a time, refer to Distributed Installation of M-Files Web Companion.

Installing M-Files Web Companion in Microsoft Windows

M-Files Web Companion is supported in Microsoft Windows 10 and later.

To install M-Files Web Companion:

  1. Open M-Files Web on your browser.
  2. Click your initials in the top-right corner of the M-Files Web user interface.
  3. Select Install M-Files Web Companion.
    After the installation, if there is a newer version available, the option Update M-Files Web Companion is shown here. For update instructions, see Updating M-Files Web Companion.
  4. In the Install M-Files Web Companion dialog, click Install.
  5. Wait for your browser to download the installer.
  6. Double-click the installer to start the setup.
    If a dialog about firewall settings is shown, please allow M-Files Web Companion to use the domain and private networks.
    Result:M-Files Web Companion is installed to the computer and its icon is shown in the taskbar notification area.
  7. In M-Files Web, refresh the browser window.
Now that the application is installed, you can use your desktop applications to edit documents.

Installing M-Files Web Companion in macOS

To install M-Files Web Companion:

  1. Open M-Files Web on your browser.
  2. Click your initials in the top-right corner of the M-Files Web user interface.
  3. Select Install M-Files Web Companion.
    After the installation, if there is a newer version available, the option Update M-Files Web Companion is shown here.
  4. In the Install M-Files Web Companion dialog, click Install.
  5. Wait for your browser to download the installer.
  6. Double-click the installer (DMG file) to open it.
  7. Install the application:
    • If you are an administrator user, drag and drop M-Files Web Companion to the Applications folder.
    • Open a Finder window and drag and drop M-Files Web Companion to a personal Applications folder. For example, /Users/<your account name>/Applications.
  8. Use Finder to go to the installation folder.
  9. Double-click the application to start it.
    Result:The application icon is shown in the menu bar and a security dialog is shown.
  10. Enter your macOS credentials and click Update Settings.
    This creates a certificate, which makes sure that your macOS can securely communicate with M-Files Web Companion. The certificate is valid for one year. When it is time to create a new one, M-Files Web Companion asks for your permission to update the certificate.
  11. In M-Files Web, refresh the browser window.
Now that the application is installed, you can use your desktop applications to edit documents.