Editing Documents

This section tells you about the different methods that you can use to edit content in M-Files Web. For the best user experience, we strongly recommend that you use M-Files Web Companion. Your administrator can also set up Microsoft Office for the web.

To edit a document when you cannot use M-Files Web Companion or the Microsoft Office for the web integration:

  1. Right-click the document in the listing area.
  2. Click Check out.
  3. Right-click the document in the listing area again.
    For a document with multiple files, click the arrow on the left side of the document to open a list of files included in the document. Then, right-click the file that you want to edit.
  4. Select Download.
    Result:Your browser downloads the file.
  5. Open the file in an editor. For example, Microsoft Word.
  6. Make and save your changes to the file.
  7. Replace the original file in M-Files Web with the edited one:
    To use the Replace with file operation:
    1. Right-click the original file in M-Files Web.
    2. Select Replace with file.
    3. In the Open dialog, select the edited file on your computer.
    4. Click Open.
    To use dragging and dropping:
    1. Drag and drop the edited file from your computer to the listing area in M-Files Web, on top of the original file.
    2. In the confirmation dialog, select Yes.
  8. Right-click the document in the listing area.
  9. Click Check in.
Your edits are checked in to the vault and can be seen by other users.