Replacing the Content of a Document File

You can use the Replace with File command to select another document or file whose content (data in the file) is to replace the content of the selected document.

The first version of the replaced document file will nevertheless be kept, as M-Files made a new version of the document when it was checked out. The metadata remains unchanged, so the command affects the contents of the file only. You can view the version history by opening the History dialog (see Version History).

To replace the content of a document with that of another one:

  1. Right-click the document file the content of which you want to replace.
  2. Press the Alt key and select Operations > Replace with File.
  3. Locate and select the file that you want to use for replacing the original file content.
  4. Click OK.
The content of the original file is replaced with the content of the file that you selected. Document metadata is unaffected.