Personalizing Notification Messages

Note: This content is no longer updated. For the latest content, please go to the user guide for M-Files Online. For information on the supported product versions, refer to our lifecycle policy.

M-Files uses customizable templates for email notifications, which you can modify to match the requirements of your organization. You can, for instance, change the information provided along with notifications about new or modified objects, assignments, and so on.

Follow the instructions in this section to access and edit the notification templates in M-Files Admin.

Accessing the Notification Template Settings

To access the notification template settings:

  1. In M-Files Admin, go to the Advanced Vault Settings section.
    1. Open M-Files Admin.
    2. In the left-side tree view, expand an M-Files server connection.
    3. Expand Document Vaults.
    4. Expand a vault.
    5. Click Configurations.
    6. In the navigation area, click Advanced Vault Settings.
    7. Open the Configuration tab.
      Result:The advanced vault settings are shown.
  2. Expand Notifications > Notification Templates.

The list of available notification templates in this vault is displayed in the configurations editor. The templates are divided under two sections, Email Templates and Push Notification Templates. The latter are used for the M-Files mobile applications.

If the listing does not include at least a template called Default, try to restart the vault and M-Files Admin. Taking a vault offline should always be done in a controlled manner and the vault users should be notified beforehand.

Editing or Adding a Notification Template

To edit an existing notification template or to add a new one:

  1. Under Advanced Vault Settings > Notifications > Notification Templates, in the configurations editor listing area, either:
    • Expand an existing template rule that you would like to edit.
    • Click Add Rule to add a new template rule, and expand the newly created node.
  2. In Rule, select the notification rule to which you want this template to apply.
  3. Expand the Template Sections node.
  4. Either:
    • Expand an existing section node to edit a previously added section.
    • Click Add Section to add a new section, and expand the newly created node.
    For any sections that your template does not include, the M-Files server uses the corresponding sections of the special Default template. If the Default template cannot be found, M-Files server uses the corresponding sections of a fallback template located in the installation directory.
  5. In Template Section, select the section that you would like to modify.
    Tip: Hovering the mouse cursor on top of the section names in the drop-down menu displays a short description for each section.
  6. Click the cogwheel icon () in the value field of the Template Entry setting.
    Result:The Placeholder Editor dialog is opened.

  7. To the text box, enter the content of the section.
    Use the Insert Placeholder button to add a dynamically updated reference in your content. Clicking the button adds a set of curly brackets in the text box. You can either start typing the name of the placeholder or press the down arrow key to bring up a list of available placeholders, such as the title or class of the object that triggered the notification. Some placeholders, however, only work with specific sections.
  8. Once you are done editing the template content, click OK to close the Placeholder Editor dialog.
  9. Optional: Repeat the steps from 4 to 8 to edit or add as many sections as needed.
  10. Once you are done with your changes, click Save.

Placeholders for Notification Templates

In addition to the object properties, such as the title or the class of the object, you can use a set of special placeholders in your notifications. These placeholders are described in the table below.

Placeholder Description
All referred objects() All the referred objects in the properties of the object.
Caused by() The name of the user who caused the event.
Caused by account() The account name for the user who caused the event.
EventID() The ID of the event.
FileName() The name of the file.
ID() The (external) ID of the object.
InternalID() The (internal) ID of the object. The internal ID is always unique for each object of a single object type and within a single vault.
NameAndLinks() A plain text formatted text fragment containing URLs to the object for M-Files Desktop, M-Files Web, and M-Files Mobile.
NameAndLinksHtml() An HTML-formatted hyperlink containing URLs to the object for M-Files Desktop, M-Files Web, and M-Files Mobile.
Notification rule name() The name of the notification rule that caused the event.
ObjTitle() The name or title of the object.
ObjType() The type of the object.
OldProperty( Undefined ) The old value of the specified property of the object. Undefined is replaced with the property the old value of which you want this placeholder to display in the notification.

After selecting this placeholder, open the References tab and select the desired value via drop-down menu in the Item column.

Rolled back to version() The version that the object was rolled back to.
Timestamp() The time when the event occurred.
URL() A URL that shows the latest version of the object in M-Files Desktop.
UrlToLatestClassicWeb() A URL that shows the latest version of the object in the classic M-Files Web.
UrlToLatestMobile() A URL that shows the latest version of the object in M-Files Mobile.
UrlToLatestWeb() A URL that shows the latest version of the object in M-Files Web.
UrlToVersion() A URL that shows the specific version of the object in M-Files Desktop.
UrlToVersionClassicWeb() A URL that shows the specific version of the object in the classic M-Files Web.
UrlToVersionMobile() A URL that shows the specific version of the object in M-Files Mobile.
UrlToVersionWeb() A URL that shows the specific version of the object in M-Files Web.
UserCausedState( Undefined ) The user who moved the object into a specific state. Undefined is replaced with the target state.

After selecting this placeholder, open the References tab and select the desired value via drop-down menu in the Item column.

VaultGuid() The unique identifier (GUID) of the vault.
VaultName() The name of the document vault.
Version() The version of the object.