Listing Area

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The listing area in M-Files Desktop usually contains views and objects. The listing area and Windows File Explorer operate almost in the same way. One difference is that for an object in M-Files Desktop, you can use the expand or collapse arrow buttons to show and hide all the related objects. The related objects are grouped with metadata.

Note: If an item name in the listing area is shown in gray text, the full item path is too long for Windows (more than 259 characters). It is thus necessary to rename parts of it to make sure that the content operates properly. If you use Microsoft Windows 10 or later, you can ask your system administrator to enable longer item paths.
Note: If the Size column for an object is empty, the size of the object is temporarily unknown. When the object is opened, the size of the object is updated in the Size column.

Sorting objects in the listing area

To... Do this:
Change the sort order of the objects in the listing area. Click a column heading in the listing area.
Change the sort order to ascending or descending. Right-click a column heading and select a sort order.
Select secondary, tertiary and other sort orders. Hold down the Ctrl key and click another column heading.
Add more columns to the listing area. Right-click on the column heading area and select Choose Columns.

For information on how the search results are grouped, see Search result grouping.