Configuration Options for Public Links

After you have configured the Share Public Link feature for M-Files Server, use M-Files Named Value Manager to configure public links for M-Files Desktop and M-Files Web:
  1. Open M-Files Named Value Manager.
  2. Use the Server drop-down menu to select the M-Files server and then the Vault drop-down menu to select the vault.
  3. Use the Storage Type drop-down menu to select the MFConfigurationValue storage.
  4. In the Namespace field, enter the following value: M-Files.Core.Sharing.PublicLinks.Settings
To disable or enable the Share Public Link feature, complete the steps 7 to 9:
  1. In the left-side pane, double-click New Named Value Key and enter the following value: Enabled
To specify whether public links are allowed to point to the latest version of shared files or only to the specific version that user has shared, complete the steps from 10 to 12:
  1. In the left-side pane, double-click New Named Value Key and enter the following value: AllowSharingLatestVersion
To specify the default expiration time for public links in M-Files Web, complete the steps 13 to 16:
  1. Click Add... to add a new key.
  2. In the left-side pane, double-click New Named Value Key and enter the following value: DefaultExpireInDays
After you have configured the Share Public Link feature, the vault has to be taken offline and brought back online for the changes to become effective.
  1. Restart the vault.