Listing Area

Grouping views on the main level

The main-level views have been grouped into My Views, Common Views and Other Views. In addition, traditional folders are in a separate group. This makes it easier for the user to distinguish among these different views and navigate to My Views. Also, the regular user often does not have the permission for editing common views, so grouping common views separately clarifies the distinction between common views and the user's own views.

It is also possible to display predefined views, such as Favorites, Assigned to Me or Recently Accessed by Me, at the bottom of the listing view.

Related objects listed below the main object

Objects related to a particular object can easily be browsed directly from the view or from the search result by means of the expand/collapse arrow buttons. M-Files shows all related objects below the main object. This allows you to easily browse, for example, documents and contact persons related to the project, directly from the listing view.

Grouping titles

Related objects are automatically grouped by object type or by property definition. This allows you to find the desired document or other object quickly and easily. For example, if you are looking for contact persons related to the project, you can find them easily under the grouping title Contact persons.

Sorting by columns

You can change the sort order the objects in the listing area by clicking a specific column heading in the listing area. The objects can be sorted, for example, alphabetically, in the order of relevance or by date. Clicking the column heading once more changes the sort order from ascending to descending, or vice versa. By holding down the CTRL key and clicking another column heading, you can select secondary, tertiary and further sortings orders. You can add more columns to the listing area by right-clicking on the column heading area and selecting Choose Columns... from the context menu.

Video: Column Settings

Listing pagination

If the listing exceeds the total number of objects allowed to be displayed in a single listing, the option Show more results is shown in the grouping title. By clicking this option, you can enter the paginated view.

The paginated listing displays the range and total number of objects matching your search criteria or view filter, as well as the commands Previous and Next.

You can change the number results shown per page via the Display Mode options:

  1. Open either the context-menu for an empty area in the listing view, or the menu bar by pressing Alt on your keyboard.
  2. Select Display Mode from the list (or View > Display Mode via the menu bar).
  3. Select Objects per Group.
  4. Select any of the options in the list.