
Quality Management Platform

Manage and distribute procedures, monitor training, and make audits more effective.

Full control over quality and compliance

A quality management platform should make it possible for you to track what happens with quality documents at any time. Whether it is for internal procedures that your staff must follow or for regulations and standards such as GDPR/CCPA, ISO, HIPAA, or others. We got this covered.


Manage procedures and track what happens

With our quality management platform, you can distribute SOPs and other quality documents in multiple languages. You can track changes and channel policies to staff with relevant permissions. You can also control which documents are printed, by whom, in how many copies, and recall obsolete printouts in circulation.

Distribute learning assignments

When things change, or new staff joins, you can flag documents for mandatory learning. A notification will be sent, and the assignment can be completed by the due date. At any time, you have an overview of training performance and overdue training requirements for all your sites and offices.

Be ready for audits and follow up with action

Our quality management platform has all information in one place, so internal and external audits can be carried out faster. You will identify risks and issues, and you can follow up with corrective and preventative actions. These can be automated and completed in due time, and they will never again be forgotten in memos, spreadsheets, or emails.

Mitani Case Study

Our customer provides custom-made food products for food manufacturers. With M-Files quality management platform they have decreased Corrective Action Reporting processes from 60 to 14 days, and they have been green-lighted for one audit per year instead of two for certification from industry bodies. “M-Files has made people’s daily tasks much easier and less tedious, which means people are excited about their work; and it shows in their performance.”


More on quality management platform

Want to know more about how M-Files manages quality and compliance? Here are some concrete examples.

GDPR compliance

With our quality management platform, you can find documents that contain personal information (PII), sort them out and ensure they are managed according to GDPR rules.

LIBOR transition

By the end of 2021, many financial services companies will have to remove any reference to LIBOR in active financial products and contracts. We have a 5-steps solution for this.

Safety and risk

Storing or transporting hazardous material exposes companies to further scrutiny and regulations. One of our customers has improved their safety and risk management procedures with M-Files.

Our Customers

We help companies worldwide with our quality management platform

Our Customers

Let us show you M-Files in action