M-Files API 23.11.13135.0
SetNamedValuesIfUnmodified Method
VaultNamedValueStorageOperations Object : SetNamedValuesIfUnmodified Method
The named value type to set.
The namespace to which the saved values belong.
The values to set.
The values that must exist in the database to allow the method to proceed. An error is raised if the database has an unexpected value.
Stores the named values of the "NamedValues" parameter to the vault if the values of the "ExpectedValues" parameter match the current values in the vault. If the values do not match, the operation fails.
Visual Basic
Public Sub SetNamedValuesIfUnmodified( _
   ByVal NamedValueType As MFNamedValueType, _
   ByVal Namespace As String, _
   ByVal NamedValues As NamedValues, _
   ByVal ExpectedValues As NamedValues _
MFAdminConfigurationConfiguration value type (admin-readable/admin-writable).
MFConfigurationValueConfiguration value type (user readable/admin writable. Writing requires 'change metadata structure' permission).
MFFolderConfigurationConfiguration value type (user readable/admin writable. Writing requires 'manage common views' permission).
MFPrivateUserDefinedValueConfiguration value type for private user data (user readable/writable).
MFRegistryValueRegistry based value type (user readable).
MFSystemAdminConfigurationConfiguration value type (admin-readable/system admin writable).
MFUserDefinedValueUser defined value type (user readable/writable).
The named value type to set.
The namespace to which the saved values belong.
The values to set.
The values that must exist in the database to allow the method to proceed. An error is raised if the database has an unexpected value.
Supported in M-Files 19.4.7683.3 and later.
See Also

VaultNamedValueStorageOperations Object  | VaultNamedValueStorageOperations Members