M-Files API 23.11.13135.0
MFConditionType Enumeration
Available condition types.
MFConditionTypeContains7Contains the given text string (similar to LIKE 'xyz').
MFConditionTypeContainsAnyBitwise16Contains any of the bits of the given number. Treats its operands as a vector of bits rather than a single number.
MFConditionTypeDoesNotContain8Does not contain the given text string (similar to NOT LIKE 'xyz').
MFConditionTypeDoesNotContainAnyBitwise17Does not contain any of the bits of the given number. Treats its operands as a vector of bits rather than a single number.
MFConditionTypeDoesNotMatchWildcardPattern12Does not match the given DOS-style wildcard pattern (such as '*.txt').
MFConditionTypeDoesNotStartWith10Does not start with the given text string (similar to NOT LIKE 'xyz%').
MFConditionTypeEqual1Must be equal to.
MFConditionTypeGreaterThan3Must be greater than.
MFConditionTypeGreaterThanOrEqual5Must be greater than or equal to.
MFConditionTypeLessThan4Must be less than.
MFConditionTypeLessThanOrEqual6Must be less than or equal to.
MFConditionTypeMatchesWildcardPattern11Matches the given DOS-style wildcard pattern (such as '*.txt').
MFConditionTypeNotEqual2Must not be equal to.
MFConditionTypeStartsWith9Starts with the given text string (similar to LIKE 'xyz%').
MFConditionTypeStartsWithAtWordBoundary15Starts with the given text string at a word boundary. Similar to LIKE 'xyz%', but evaluated at the beginning of each word).