M-Files UI Extensibility Framework

Example Applications


Customized Commands Demonstration

Vault Front Page

Customized Metadata Card

Customized Home Screen

Customized Theme for M-Files Desktop UI

How to Install Demonstration Applications


Customized Commands Demonstration

The application demonstrates the use of application-defined commands in M-Files user interface.

Two new commands are introduced and placed to M-Files user interface. Both commands are displayed on the task pane with an icon. One of the commands is included in item-specific context menu, too.

The application reacts to the command activation and displays a simple pop-up window as a result.

Download Custom Commands Demo.zip

How to Install Demonstration Applications


Vault Front Page

This application demonstrates the possibility to replace the listing area with application-defined content.

The application places own content on top of listing view in the vault root view, acting as a welcome screen of the document vault. The new content is defined in HTML and JavaScript, and it may be extended to contain any dynamic content from the vault or from an external source.

This application lists all views in the document vault root. User can click the view name, and the application navigates to the selected view.

Download Vault Front Page Demo.zip

How to Install Demonstration Applications


Customized Metadata Card

The application demonstrates the use of the customized metadata card with the UI Control Library.

The application displays a metadata card for a selected object in the right pane. The metadata card can be used to view or edit the object metadata.

Download Metadata Card Demo.zip

How to Install Demonstration Applications


Customized Home Screen

This application demonstrates the use of the customized home screen application, replacing the built-in home screen application that is included in M-Files 10.

Note: If you are using M-Files 2018 or later, refer to Installing a Customized Home Screen Application in M-Files 2018.

The customized home screen sample application is identical with the built-in home view, except for the right-pane image. It acts as a reference implementation for the home screen customizations.

The built-in home screen application uses a known application GUID, F101258B-FD65-4199-B22F-240B507C0DCC. In order to replace the built-in home screen, the customized home screen application must use the same GUID.

The sample application can also be used as a starting point for implementing a customization for other views. In such a case, however, the application GUID should not be the same as for the built-in home screen application in use.

Note: As the customized home screen disables the built-in home screen, future updates to the M-Files built-in home screen in new M-Files versions do not have an effect if a customized home screen is in use.

The application requires M-Files 10 or newer.

Download Customized Home Screen.zip

How to Install Demonstration Applications


Customized Theme for M-Files Desktop UI

This application enables you to customize the task area and search bar background, change the font and background colors in the listing area, and more.

Please find a detailed guide for the installation inside the UI Theme.zip.

Download UI Theme.zip

How to Install Demonstration Applications


How to Install Demonstration Applications

1.       Download the ZIP file and start M-Files Admin. There is no need to extract the ZIP file.

2.       Right-click the vault in where you wish to install the application, and choose Applications.

3.       Click Install and choose the downloaded ZIP file. The application will be automatically installed to the client computers that log in to the vault next time.

In order to study the application implementation details, you can extract the ZIP file and examine the implementation files.